Header photo: Image by photographer New Road Photography and model Matt Lakin 

We love shining the limelight on fabulous creatives in the PurplePort community, sharing their unique journeys and creative processes.

In this episode of FEATURED, we interviewed Matt Lakin, a part-time PurplePort model with more than 7 years of experience based in Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom. 

Image by photographer Paul Malice and model Matt Lakin

Image by photographer Brian Lewicki, models Matt Lakin and Munira Model, and makeup artist Unveiled Glam

About PurplePort model Matt Lakin

Matt Lakin is an experienced, versatile male model as well as a fitness professional and former amateur boxing champion. 

Alongside his modelling career, Matt trains in the gym several times a week whilst also managing his own fitness business working as a personal trainer.

Matt has been published in print and online in a wide range of styles (such as fitness, fashion, promotional, video work and wedding shoots) and has worked in a variety of settings (incorporating studio and location work). He has also modelled for the UK's leading pole fit/sportswear company, Wink Fitness.

Image by model Matt Lakin

Matt has worked with a wide variety of models and photographers during his modelling journey.

Since joining our creative community on PurplePort, Matt's professional approach, ability and dedication can be seen reflected in his impressive collection of glowing references.

Matt's fabulous modelling work has also been featured many times in our Front Page Image (FPI) Collection.

Image by photographer Shelly and models Matt Lakin and Simply Beth

FEATURED Interview with PurplePort model Matt Lakin

How did you get into modelling?

I was approached by a friend, who at the time owned a sportswear brand, about modelling for her company in a new promotional campaign they were launching.

Following that, she suggested I look into getting involved with modelling in general, and she actually suggested I join PurplePort.

I thought about it for a while and decided to give it a go....Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

What did you do before becoming a model?

I was a fitness professional prior to becoming a model, running my own personal training business. 

I still have that business and now run both my fitness business and modelling alongside each other. I really like the variety that it gives me and feel they work well together.

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

Do you have a health or fitness regime?

Yes, I currently still train in the gym several times a week and I also try to stay active with hiking and sports.

I am fairly mindful of food and my nutrition...though I do struggle to say no to a good cheesecake!

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

How do you prepare for photoshoots?

While that depends on the style of shoot, I generally run through outfits/looks in the days prior and usually get my hair cut so I hopefully look half decent.

And I do TRY to get an early night!

Image by photographer Parkes Fine Art Photography and model Matt Lakin taken at Michael Lau Photography

What style of photoshoot do you enjoy working on the most?

I honestly haven't really got a clear favourite style of photoshoot. I think it's very sort of mood-dependent for me.

I like mixing things up; variety is the spice of life!

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

What's the most interesting photoshoot you've ever worked on?

That's a really difficult question. I've been fortunate enough to work in quite a few memorable locations with some lovely people. 

Perhaps the most fun for me was a wedding photoshoot where I got to drive around in a classic sports car worth a small fortune.

That was an interesting day. Thankfully, I didn't crash the car, though I did manage to rip a hole in the back of the suit I was modelling when it caught on the door handle when I got out! 

Image by models Matt Lakin and tanya modele

Image by models Matt Lakin and tanya modele

What do you most enjoy about being a model?

I think the thing I enjoy most is the variety of the work. No two shoots are the same.

I like meeting new people and working alongside other models. And I love that I've helped play a part in some memorable moments/images being captured forever.

Image by photographer Craig Hall and model Matt Lakin taken at The X Factory

What would you describe as your main strengths as a model?

I think my versatility is probably my main strength. I'm happy shooting on my own or in a duo or group setting, and I'm comfortable with various styles of shoots.

I often liken modelling to acting, and I'm happy playing different characters to suit the kind of image the photographers are hoping to capture.

Image by photographer New Road Photography and models Matt Lakin and Shanliljones

Image by photographer New Road Photography and model Matt Lakin 

What's your absolute favourite photo?

That is nearly an impossible question, and my answer to that probably changes on a regular basis.

But probably my current favourite is an image (see below) taken of me by Leonard Loh Photography. It's got a little bit of everything about it and is just a very cool image, in my opinion. I was thrilled when it recently got awarded an FPI.

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

Is there anyone in particular who inspires you?

To be honest, the person who inspires me the most is probably my little boy. He is my reason to keep going as I try and set him on the right path in life. 

Other than my son, I would say Muhammad Ali has been a source of inspiration to me since I was a teenager competing in boxing myself. Not just for his skill as a sports star but for his strength of character, sense of humour and values. He was truly the Greatest.

Image by photographer Leonard Loh Photography and model Matt Lakin

What advice would you give to a model just starting out?

To a model just starting out, I'd say, try to believe in yourself. Don't get disheartened by little failures on the way.

Put yourself out there and work with as many people as possible. Take it all in and learn from the experiences.

It's all a learning curve. Go for it!

Image by photographer Shelly and models Matt Lakin and Simply Beth

One final question. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

Ha....Yes, why not? Tastes good to me!

Image by model Matt Lakin

Thanks again for speaking with us and sharing your creative journey, Matt Lakin.

We hope you all enjoyed this interview. Check out the links below for more of Matt Lakin's beautiful work!

Here's where you can find more of Matt Lakin's work

PurplePort: Matt Lakin

Instagram: mattlakinpt

What is PurplePort

PurplePort is a modelling website that brings models, photographers and other creatives together with one fantastic service. We provide the tools and help you need to get together and create amazing photos.

Established in 2010, PurplePort has grown from strength to strength and now has 40,000+ active members worldwide. With features such as integrated messaging, calendar, shoot plans, image albums, references, credited photos, busy member forums, hundreds of articles, and dedicated full-time staff to help you, it's easy finding the perfect creatives you need for your next photography project. It's a fresh, fast, and feature-rich alternative to ModelMayhem.

Join the fastest growing, most feature-rich service of its kind and start making magical photos a reality!

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