Header photo: Image with model Sam Dunning

We love shining the limelight on fabulous creatives in the PurplePort community, sharing their unique journeys and creative processes.

In this episode of FEATURED, we interviewed Sam Dunning, a full-time PurplePort model with more than 17 years of experience based in Aylesbury, United Kingdom. 

Image by photographer Beautifullight UK with model Sam Dunning

Image by photographer Lloyd Moore with model Sam Dunning taken at AW Studio

About PurplePort model Sam Dunning

Sam is an award-nominated actor, classically-trained singer, and internationally published model. Having joined PurplePort in 2016, he has built up over 100 glowing references on PurplePort, and his fabulous work has been featured many times in the Front Page Image (FPI) Collection.

After starting his career singing and dancing in a tribute band, Sam branched out into the world of acting and landed a few early modelling jobs, too. Now, nearly 20 years on, he’s still modelling and performing (although his tribute band days are long behind him!). 

When it comes to acting, Sam's true passion is musical theatre. He is never found too far from a stage, having performed in shows worldwide, including notable London venues like South Bank and in the West End.

Sam has been part of all kinds of projects within the entertainment world, from feature films and radio, to prime-time TV and commercials. He regularly works as a voiceover artist and co-hosts the Drewling Samantics podcast alongside fellow actor Andrew Fettes, a show all about the performance industry, with new episodes published every Sunday.

Image by photographer Beautifullight UK with models Sam Dunning and Tess Lathey, and make-up artist RenuP taken at Neon Dreams Studio

Image by photographer KayeBee with model Sam Dunning, make-up artist Kirsty Cox Hair and MUA, and assistant Nick Price and taken at The Coach House Studio

FEATURED Interview with PurplePort model Sam Dunning

How did you get into modelling?

When I was younger, I somehow ended up performing as a singer/dancer for a tribute band! I’d done a bit of drama and singing when I was at school, but I had never even considered working in the entertainment world, so to be honest, I sort of “fell into"it” by accident (recommended by a friend of a friend – that sort of thing).

As soon as I started, though, I absolutely loved it! It was brilliant fun; we travelled all over the UK and did anything from small, intimate gigs to enormous festivals and open-air concerts.

Our tour ended after about eighteen months, though, and as I’d not really done anything like it before, I didn’t have anything else lined up or planned, so ended up feeling like something was missing all of a sudden.

One of my colleagues (from the normal boring day job that I was doing alongside the band) was also a singer, and she suggested I try signing up to some online agencies. It was the best thing I ever did! I ended up getting some acting work (which in turn led to me signing with my then agent) and I also got scouted by some casting agents who approached me about doing some modelling work.

The rest, as they say, is history!

Image with model Sam Dunning

What did you do before becoming a model?

Well, as previously mentioned, I was (and still am) a singer, dancer and actor, but that all started around a similar time as modelling, really.

I’ve actually had a few interesting “muggle jobs” too, though, including coaching various sports like swimming and football, managing a hospital bookings department, and even working for the Ambulance Service!

Image with model Sam Dunning

Do you have a health or fitness regime?

Not one that has any sort of regularity or organisation!

I go to the gym as often as possible, do a bit of running now and then (although I don’t really enjoy it at all!), and I try to watch what I eat and drink when I have a shoot or performing job coming up.

The problem is being on the road a lot and not always knowing when I’ll have time to fit things in makes it very difficult to stick to a decent regime and diet (although my love of fast food and sweet tooth don’t help there either!).

Image by photographer KayeBee with model Sam Dunning, make-up artist Kirsty Cox Hair and MUA, and assistant Nick Price and taken at The Coach House Studio

How do you prepare for photoshoots?

Research, planning, communication. I always make sure I am completely familiar with the brief, talking it through with the creative team and doing plenty of research into particular themes or styles where possible.

If anything, I tend to be over-prepared, especially when it comes to providing outfit options for shoots - just ask my good friend photographer and Photoshop genius Phil (aka Krytan Photography) or many of the other photographers and models I work with regularly. My vast wardrobe tends to be a bit of a running joke!

That said, I’d still I'days rather be over-prepared than under-prepared.

Image by photographer Black Velvet Boudoir with model Sam Dunning

What style of photoshoot do you enjoy working on the most?

I think that’s pretty much impossible to answer because it’s about the whole experience for me rather than just the style.

If you’ve got the opportunity to work with talented and lovely people, then a straightforward headshot shoot can be equally as enjoyable as a big-budget project with props, set and a crazy theme!

But exciting locations and a special purpose do help enhance a shoot.

Image with model Sam Dunning

What’s the most interesting photoshoot you’ve ever worked on?

Again it’s a really difficult question to answer as I’ve been lucky enough to take part in all sorts of amazing shoots throughout my career.

But if I had to narrow it down, shooting cover images with the amazing Andrew Dobell for his "Wasteland Road Knights" novel series is certainly up there.

Incidentally, I just happen to narrate the audiobooks for those, too, if anyone wants to check them out!

Image by photographer Andrew Dobell with model Sam Dunning, make-up artist Tania Claire Makeup Artist and Photoshop wizard Creative Edge Retouch

Image by photographer Andrew Dobell with model Sam Dunning, make-up artist Tania Claire Makeup Artist and Photoshop wizard Creative Edge Retouch

I’ve also done an “underwater wedding” shoot, which was great fun and very unique.

Image by photographer DDT with models Sam Dunning and Kerry Allingham

One of my most recent commercial shoots involved myself and a friend having to travel from pub to pub drinking beer, eating food and playing pool, so I’d be lying if I didn’t say that was pretty enjoyable!

What do you most enjoy about being a model?

Working with other talented people is a huge bonus, and I truly love the variety of what I do.

I’m lucky that my acting and other performing work means that my job is different pretty much every single day. Of course, modelling is a big part of that.

I always tell people that my favourite thing about my work is the fact it is so varied.

Image with model Sam Dunning

What would you describe as your main strengths as a model?

Does having an extensive wardrobe count?! Or would some consider that a weakness?! Haha! 

I guess, on a basic level, I pride myself on my punctuality. But going beyond that, I would say my work as an actor gives me an extra edge when it comes to showing character and emotion through the medium of imagery. 

Working in both theatre and film means I have to adjust the subtlety of expression depending on which particular discipline I’m doing at the time, so that ability is something I believe helps my modelling, too.

Image by photographer Dave Copper with model Sam Dunning taken at The Coach House Studio

What's your favourite photo?

So it's another really hard question to answer, as I love so many of the images I've been fortunate enough to be part of creating. But I can give you two images that possibly mean the most to me.

The first is the "Wasteland Road Knights" image below. It was the first finalised image I saw from the Wasteland Road Knights shoot, and obviously, so much has come from that initial shoot and working with Andrew Dobell.

Image by photographer Andrew Dobell with model Sam Dunning, make-up artist Tania Claire Makeup Artist and Photoshop wizard Creative Edge Retouch

The second is the snooker image below. It is a superb shot, but also reminds me of a really fun shoot day with the wonderful Andrew Appleton.

Image by photographer Andrew Appleton with model Sam Dunning and Photoshop wizard Appleton Photo Training

So two images, two Andrews, and both equally meaningful and memorable, although for very different reasons.

Is there anyone in particular who inspires you?

So many people! I basically have huge admiration for anyone who has worked hard enough to be successful in this industry. It’s immensely difficult to keep a career like this going, so kudos to all those making it work!

If I had to say someone specifically, though, I would like to mention the late great Andrew Appleton.

I am lucky enough to be among the selection of models who had the absolute honour and privilege of working with him before his sad passing. I doubt many other photographers will ever come close to making you feel so comfortable on a shoot while still making it extremely enjoyable and turning out the astonishingly good images that he did.

Not necessarily an inspiration, I suppose, but certainly a man who I had an enormous amount of respect and admiration for.

Image with model Sam Dunning taken at The Coach House Studio

What advice would you give to a model just starting out?

Mix things up! Try and look for castings and/or get involved in shoots that will help make your portfolio varied and interesting.

Also, do your research. Look at lots of different photographers’ work to discover styles and themes you want to try.

Image by Lloyd Moore with model Sam Dunning taken at Big Shot Studio

One final question. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

Shockingly, despite my penchant for fast food, I’m not actually the biggest pizza fan! So, as it’s not something I have too often, I haven’t really experimented with too many different toppings.

However, I’d definitely give it a try, so maybe I’ll have to get back to you on that one!

Image with model Sam Dunning

Here's where you can find more of Sam Dunning's work

PurplePort: Sam Dunning

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PurplePort is a modelling website that brings models, photographers and other creatives together with one fantastic service. We provide the tools and help you need to get together and create amazing photos.

Established in 2010, PurplePort has grown from strength to strength and now has 40,000+ active members worldwide. With features such as integrated messaging, calendar, shoot plans, image albums, references, credited photos, busy member forums, hundreds of articles, and dedicated full-time staff to help you, it's easy finding the perfect creatives you need for your next photography project. It's a fresh, fast, and feature-rich alternative to ModelMayhem.

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