How would you change direction


MarcAyresPhoto said, 1714138085

Fashion is a very very broad area on its own. Just browse a few fashion magazines. The difference between Vogue, W, I-D and Tank are incredibly varied. From high end fashion shot and controlled in a studio environment down to street fashion on the fly. The look at the top photographers, Peter Lindbergh, Tom Ford, Vincent Peters, Nadine Ijewere, Marc Rogoff, Perou, Cherry Auhoni, all incredibly different. 

It's the same with photographers when we do a casting asking for someone in particular, we get all sorts. I'm never rude about anyone who wants to shoot with me, they may not be the best for that particular casting but you never know what the future holds and how they will grow as a creative. 

Work with who you want to work with and don't with those you don't. At the end of the day this is primarily an amateur model / photographer / mua site, and mostly that's who you will get applying to casting. If you want high end work, apply directly to high end photographers and expect to pay them rather than the other way round. 

Gregory Mason said, 1714139090

Reading this post made realise how away from fashion photography I have moved from, my last pure fashion shoot was over two years ago, it was a charity shoot with models who predominately work in the glamour field. Before I retired I had contacts at the nearby University's Fashion department and I shot a few final projects which was was fun and rewarding.

MaristarOxley said, 1714196666

Gregory Mason University final year projects are usually fun and rewarding, because you really get to be quite experimental.

MaristarOxley said, 1714196885

MarcAyresPhoto I don't need advice on how to use this platform. My post is to open up a general conversation about how you as photographer would apply to a casting which requires a genre that you may not do as standard.

I'm over 50 and have been modeling at agency level since day one for over 20 years. I mentioned the casting I had put out to give some context, but I am not complaining about the results of my casting.

Huw said, 1714202435

This thread is beginning to sound like one of Baldrick’s “cunning plans”.

Simon Carter said, 1714683536


“My post is to open up a general conversation about how you as photographer would apply to a casting which requires a genre that you may not do as standard.”

Depends on the rest of the team.

If they were all new to a genre and I didn’t do any either then I’d be honest about my skills and reason for wanting to involved.

If there’s an obvious mismatch then I wouldn’t apply unless I had some evidence that I could do the job.

Simon Carter said, 1714684123

And another thing!!

I shoot a lot of stuff which people call fashion.

It’s quite hard to define what fashion photography is: most of mine is fashion portraiture, ie it’s a style-led portrait of a particular model. It wouldn’t be possible to substitute another model. That’s by way of contrast with a lot of commercial work and - to some degree - editorials.