Health, big changes, new chapter...


Simon Reynolds said, 1714456900

Good luck for the the future

xaldub said, 1714464293

Goodbye Marla, and long live Ivy ! All the best to you for the future :)

WJM Photography & Videography said, 1714464779

Indeed a positive post, wishing you every success in your future, enjoy.

Parkes Fine Art Photography said, 1714465169

Many congratulations for having the clarity and the strength to recognise the issues and on working to resolve them, best of luck in your new direction in modelling.  If you were closer to me I would very happily work with you on non-adult levels.

Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location said, 1714468900

Wishing you every success for the future Maria!!! :D :D 

White Tiger Photography said, 1714504171

Wishing you all the best for the future,

I'm proud of you xx

Eva Lotus said, 1714542681

Viv2 thank you πŸ™πŸΌ

BLA@K it is, thank you for your kind words

Mark21 thank you Mark!

ADWsPhotos it would be great to finally work together!☺️ Oh parenting isn't easy that's true, but at the same time, it's the best thing in the world. Thank you for your kind words πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™‚

Theta Aeterna thank you 😊

indemnity thank you! Yes, I'll update everything on here over the next few days then on other sites and social medias πŸ™‚

Ivy Vxlentine thank you so much ❀️

Jen_981 thank you so much for your kind words πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ It's not been easy since I've been back in France, but I'm finally seeing things clearer in my head and it's the first time in a long time that I know what I want and don't want. Being a mummy isn't easy but I wouldn't change it for the world πŸ₯° Hope you and your beautiful girls are doing well xxx

Sensual Art It has been very hard. The last time I was hospitalised, it was against my will and it was very difficult for me. I wasn't allowed to do anything and spent my days in a small room or smoking cigarettes in a tiny outside smoking area.. no phone or anything. But as awful as it was, it did me good in the long term and I'm grateful for that. As for the name, I think there's already a model named like this (Poison Ivy), Ivy Leaf sounds nice πŸ™‚

Eva Lotus said, 1714544281

Danny. thank you Danny πŸ™‚

The Pix Factory thank you πŸ™πŸΌ

MidgePhoto I already have a couple of ideas in mind in the artistic industry and I'm starting this week. But I'm keeping things quiet for the moment 🀫 And of course modelling ☺️

Everly Rose thank you so much for your kind words πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ it really means a lot . Addictions are tough and a nightmare to get rid of.. I failed so many times.. I'm sorry that you've experienced an addiction in your life too. I hope you are ok now. It's exactly what it feels like, a new mindset, a new me. Finally I'm ready to start a new chapter after being stuck on the same one for so long. I like Ivy Nouvelle, it's lovely 🌿

B17fan ah thank you so much! πŸ™πŸΌβ˜ΊοΈ You know how much I love working with you and I know that the fact I'm not doing adult anymore won't stop you shooting me πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Even when we shot last year and earlier this year, I still enjoyed every single second shooting with you. Here's to many more shoots to come... πŸ“ΈπŸ˜

Donald Sutherland thank you so much for your kinds words πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™‚

Ted Smith Photography said, 1714545422

It takes a lot of minerals to write a chapter like that. Big applause to you for doing so. There will be others that can relate and your story will be inspiring to them and I expect it has been therapeutic for you, to write it.

As for your style/levels. Don’t be concerned about whether people will want to hire you based on you not doing nude etc. there are plenty of us photographers who do it for the art of photographing people as they are. Portraiture is a skill in itself and many of us take great pride in creating it for people and for our portfolios. It’s all about the eyes. And people who have enjoyed and at times endured life have great stories to tell through their eyes.

Best wishes to you for your next chapter.


Gregory Mason said, 1714566438

Just pleased you feel well enough to consider to come back, hopefully I will be in a position to work with you again.

HansM said, 1714567926

From writing this, it proves that you are an incredible brave woman. Always have been and always will be. 

All the best on your new adventures!

Jen_981 said, 1714569600

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Eva Lotus said, 1714585722

Simon Reynolds thank you πŸ™‚

xaldub thank you! πŸ™πŸΌ

WJM Photography & Videography thank you πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™‚

Parkes Fine Art Photography thank you so much for your kind words πŸ™πŸΌ

Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location thank you! πŸ™‚

White Tiger Photography thank you so much xx

Ted Smith Photography If it can helps others then I'm happy. And yes, it did feel therapeutic to write this post. I'm still going to shoot artistic nudes, I'm just no longer will shoot adult levels. Thank you so much for your kind words πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Š

Gregory Mason thank you, hopefully we will be able to work together again πŸ™‚

HansM thank you so much Hans! πŸ™‚

Jen_981 lovely to hear πŸ₯° and it would be so great to meet up again xxx


That's a hugely worthwhile post, brave honest and authentic. Well done you. 

We've never worked together but based on that post I'd love to create something wonderful with you, maybe one day you'll pass through the Dordogne or I'll head south ; )

MR. NPR said, 1714633631

Life's a journey at the best of times trying to find your self let alone having to go through a battle of addiction but it doesn't define you that only happens when you allow it to do so with no fight left to give which obviously you have a lot of fight and character left to eradicate addiction from your lifestyle.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle and embracing it is the next step and one that you can utilise to redefine your character and your persona.

Speaking out and openly takes a lot of guts. Proud of you.

If you ever want any sound advice on nutrition if you have any particular health and physique goals feel free to ask away.


Edited by MR. NPR