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Should I Gloat


ClickMore 📷 said, 1714173998

CalmNudes said

ClickMore 📷 said

Recently I had a photo added as an FPI. That means that PP might use it for promotion purposes, such as Social Media. So should I Gloat? Should I boast or thank people? In my opinion, NO. It is not an achievement, it is a few people thinking the photo would be useful to PP. I am not here to collect FPI, nor am I here to beg for them. They will happen or they might not happen. I gave myself a little smile and a few people will cause the little red notification will pop up a little more today but Oscar equivalent it is not so there is no need for an award speech. And no, I won't be arguing my opinion. 

Edited by ClickMore 📷

You shouldn't than people ? Really ? If you think it was a nice thing to get its not a bad thing to say "Thanks. It won't pay my bills, or get me upgraded to first class when I fly, but it's nice" 

Not an achievement? Depends on you view of what is and is not, but your picture was in the small proportion thought suitable to promote the site which is something. 

Not here to collect or beg for FPIs - well that's good sense. If they happen it's nice, but people do lose their sense of proportion. 

Bragging instead that you don't care much, or gloating in the form of posting "I'm not gloating" ... begs the question "so why did you start a thread then?"  (see "Streisand syndrome") 

Edited by CalmNudes

Have you read this? Oh yes you edited it. I lost sense of it in the first line. You always have a lot to say, which is admirable. I was so confused as to what your point was. You missed the irony of all the "I got an FPI" posts, in what I posted, as did others. Never mind. Apologies if there are grammatically incorrect phrases as a few pints of HSBC (Horndean Special Bitter) at the pub might impair my ability to answer correctly.