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New model


Peter Bassey 19

By Peter Bassey 19, 1682616693

Hi guy's i would like to introduce myself, do you think that my pic's are ok

Also posted by Peter Bassey 19 in this group

Gothic style Last post by Admin 1713969060
Bob Marley Last post by Admin 1713969075
New to modeling Last post by Buddygb 1711493210
New to this group Last post by Admin 1681483215

SarahMae said, 1682434370

Welcome :)

Admin said, 1682434495

The post New model has just been merged with this one because they were incredibly similar.

Imagestreet said, 1682618834

Clearly a master of self-promotion - fantastic!   You will undoubtedly go far in this industry.  Not sure you should say openly in your profile that you are hard work though...

JeffSp said, 1682618911

Hello Peter and welcome to Purpleport 

bibli_caldrawer011 said, 1682620643

Why do you keep posting over and over and over? It’s annoying..

bibli_caldrawer011 said, 1682620675

Imagestreet said

Clearly a master of self-promotion - fantastic!   You will undoubtedly go far in this industry.  Not sure you should say openly in your profile that you are hard work though...

I think they meant they are a hard worker but 🤷‍♂️ 

bibli_caldrawer011 said, 1682620790

Firstly why do you keep posting over and over in multiple places,secondly go to profile cruqite or image cruqite

Wondrous said, 1682621307

Hi Peter the at the moment it's a bit like a scrapbook of sorts , self promoting yourself. Perhaps move on to more serious forms of model expression in time, ignore the commenter with rude comments.

This would depend on your interests , male modelling may be harder to get off the ball but I see you have life drawing ticked so perhaps you can network with artists or local life drawing places.

Edited by Wondrous

Peter Bassey 19 said, 1682621227

Why is it annoying i am trying to introduce myself if you don't like it don't look at it

Peter Bassey 19 said, 1682621385

That's i am trying to do is promote myself as in i am new to this

Admin said, 1682628734

The post New model has just been merged with this one because they were incredibly similar.

Admin said, 1682629002

The post New model has just been merged with this one because they were incredibly similar.

Admin said, 1682629064

The post New model has just been merged with this one because they were incredibly similar.

Sandpiper said, 1682692623

Hi Peter, welcome to Purpleport. Ignore the naysayers, there is nothing wrong with self promotion and trying to get yourself noticed, it is always worth getting your name (and face) out there where people can see it. I agree with the comments made by Wondrous, above, your portfolio does show good photoshop abilities, putting your face into other images, however photographers looking for models want to see YOU and aren't really going to care about the scenes you are dropping your image into. At the moment you have a lot of varied shots in your folio, but there is very little variety in the part of the images that are actually you, which is what you need to attract photoraphers to work with you. As it stands, you aren't showing what you have to offer as a model, try and add some variety of poses, including some full length, and different styles and outfits. The more variety you present us with, the more chance we see something we like. I appreciate there is a chicken and egg situation here, you need a good portfolio to attract photographers and you need photographers to help you build a good portfolio, so it can take a little while to get the ball rolling, but it should gather momentum over time.

In the meantime, you could fill out your profile page a bit more? You mention Goth look, but I don't see any goth images, so maybe tell us about any goth gear you have, do you have any props to go with that? Replica swords, or anything interesting that can be used in a shoot. If you have, or can get hold of, anything then mention it. If you had some sort of "warrior" outfit and a matching weapon, you could likely attract interest with that. In short, ANY type of look you feel that you could portray should be mentioned (and ideally pictured in your portfolio, even if just a snapshot taken by a friend on their phone - we are more interested in YOU than the technical quality of the shot).

Be prepared for a slow start, male models are in far less demand than female ones, that's just the nature of the game. Of course, this is partly balanced by the fact that there are a lot less male models to fight over that share of the work. There are some very good, and very popular, male models out there who have developed a reputation for being able to provide a number of different looks. I work with male models as much as female ones, but I need a character look to work with, that could be "biker" if they have the right look, gear and a decent bike, "peaky blinders", "the Godfather" or cosplay type shoots, I did an Indana Jones shoot a little while ago, I'm currently editing a Steampunk shoot (coming out great, many thanks to the model, Dean Turner) I have a wild west shoot and a 12th Century Polish Noble shoot coming up. So, try and come up with a "unique selling point", some look that really suits you and try and gather some gear to fit it, as well as anything else you feel that you can pull off successfully. The more looks the better, models like Graham Currey and Harry Mountain can turn their hand to a wide range of looks and that has made them extremely popular.

Anyway, good luck and I hope that you can make something of this modelling lark. If it's something you really want to do, don't be discouraged by a slow start. As you are not far from me, I will watch to see what you come up with.

bibli_caldrawer011 said, 1682694745

Peter Bassey 19 said

Why is it annoying i am trying to introduce myself if you don't like it don't look at it

What im saying is you have like 6-7 times now there just going to get merged together, put out a casting to get attention ,im not being mean or something im just saying.