I have completed a workshop with tha Fabulous Iulia David on Beauty Retouching.

I am looking for models  to work with who wish to do beauty.

Please note that retouching is time consuming and therefore I can only offer 3-6 images for each shoot depending on results.

Contrary to popular belief I do not look for models with smooth flawless skin.

Ideally I look for models with obvious pores in thier skin are preferred although smooth skin girls are also desireable to shoot.

These are generally head and shoulders framed crops working to beow boobage area.

You should absolutely use lip gloss.

I would be interested on models who wish to mess around with things like the drippy lips type stuff and have the patience to possibly do a whole shoot for a few images.

I can possibly provided an MUA if you are paying me and I will cost it in.

If you wish to bring your own MUA then that's also fine.

Two have my Lips images have been awarded accolades on PP

The Red one is an FPI and the gold one won the "pout competition"

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