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Personal Project: Face your Fears

"Her heart as fierce as the crashing waves,
Her pride will not be taken to the grave.
With a mane as golden as the birds that soar,
She was born,
And taught to roar."

This album is a collection of images from project shoots I have taken a long time planning and preparing myself for, these images contain real moments of emotions. I face these fears on the day with the camera ready so that I can capture the memory & reminder that no matter the obstacle I can overcome it and be stronger for it. 

Project: Gephyrophobia Photographer @rgharris

Bit of a back story.....
Last time i was on a roadtrip with my dad towards south wales he insisted we go over this bridge, rather thn take the long route around!
Now i have whats known as "Gephyrophobia" which is an almost crippling fear of traveling over bridges....esspecially if its over a huge ass river and i can see the drop....even more so if I'm walking!
Dad turns left and i see the cars going over one at a time...panic sets in and before we have even crossed half way in the car, Im in the passenger seat, feet curled up under me, arms wrapped around myself and tears streaming down my face out of pure irrational fear that i was on this god dam bridge and i wasnt prepared for it!
So on my shoot with @rgharris a few weeks ago we came across the very same bridge and after safetly crossing in the car without any hysteria, tears or too much panic.... I umm and ahh'd and struggled and rehearshed tiptoeing on the bridge and seeing how far I could get.
And so....with the (too big for her boots) model inside me screaming
"WHAT ON EARTH could make a more rewarding image than one of you facing and beating this stupid fear!"
.... and Rich at the ready with his trusty camera, offering words of encouragement and asking if i really wanted to do this... I walked to (almost!) the middle of this amazingly scary bridge and for a brief moment there was no more fear and the view when I relax and looked across the rushing waters of the River Wye made me totally forget where I was standing and I felt FREE...
Although there was a shaky start (which got included in the image selection as it shows the real emotion in the moment of panic and second my legs refused to support my shaking body!)

Project: In Prepartion 

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