Home » Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley » The moon is out and the wolves can be heard in the mountains....

The moon is out and the wolves can be heard in the mountains....

The moon is out and the wolves can be heard in the mountains.... / Photography by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Post processing by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Stylist Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Taken at PoZersPhotography, Artwork by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Designer Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley / Uploaded 9th March 2018 @ 10:52 PM

Added 1520635979 by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley.

Another portrait of PoZers in house life model, wearing one of my hand made Indian headdresses, and using a staff Ive created as a prop at PoZers. As we were going for an Indian reservation theme and this image was low key, I went for a super moon style finish, and a double exposure image, fading the Indians face into the skyline below the moon, layering warm colours on top of each other with some light leaks to finish the theme.