Additional Information

Shoots styles

Adult, Alternative, Beauty, Body Paint, Bondage, Commercial, Erotic, Fashion, Fetish, Fitness, Glamour, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Pinup, Portrait, Promotional, Sheer, Swimwear, Topless and Wedding


No one can accuse my photographs of being "usual" :) I'm an Amateur photographer from the stafford area. I've been interested in photography most of my life but have been trying to take different and original photographs for about 10 years now. I prefer unusual angles and out-of-the-ordinary crops.

I've always enjoyed outdoor and Macro/ Close up photography but I'm now trying to expand my portfolio and experience by actually adding some people to my pictures :) I'm prepared to try out any styles or ideas. I have transport and i am mainly interested in outdoor and experimental types of photography... So if you are a model with a weird idea that you want to try out or fancy adding a few unusual photographs to your portfolio then please get in touch. I'm only interested in trading, I have no intention of charging/paying anyone... it's for love not money :)

Thanks for dropping by :)


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karrade has 4 followers and is following 24 people.