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References for LIL photo

LIL photo has 9 references; 9 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Had another great shoot with this lovely gentleman today, pre comms were excellent as always, we shot at my hotel while I was on my Manchester tour, it was fun and very professional, we got some great Images :D

I very highly recommend him to all and I'm looking forward to our next shoot :D

Thanks again for a great shoot

Scarlet :D

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Kate TT

Wouldn't hesitate in recommending! Respectful, thoughtful, easy going and fun to work with. Would be very happy to shoot with again :)

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Keira Lavelle

Got to shoot with this lovely gent AGAIN this year - we’ve really been on it with a number of productive shoots in 2020. Obviously always being mindful and working with safe measures amid the pandemic - Sean is super pedantic about ensuring the shoot space is blitzed to sparkle, and always gives utmost professionalism in all circumstances. Covid or no Covid. :)

It’s always lovely to catch up and get creative again as the shoots we do really seem to fly by when we get in the flow! Sean is a very well prepared and well organised photographer; he always knows what he wants to achieve from each shoot and has the terrific outfits at the ready - so we just get right into the same epic rapport as the shoot commences and bounce off each other to til the end! :D I feel we have a very good working relationship - this is massively down to Sean being just so easy to get on with/knowing his stuff with the styling and ideas of the session... Plus being the most laid back human that you are likely to meet in your entire life!! It really is a pleasure working with him, and I can assure any other models who may be planning to do the same: he’s a good egg and will offer great support amid a professional work environment, pulling all the stops to make you feel comfortable. :) You’re likely to have a laugh as you shoot as well - we always do!

The shots looked splendid indeed - it was a rather colourful day today with gorgeous PVC leg wear and mixing it up with different looks. We also did a messy theme, and Sean demonstrated his usual pristine way of nailing it and then putting all the facilities in place for me to get cleaned up again after. He’s got it off to a tee! :P It’s not a theme that is obviously do-able in all circumstances and requires specialist prep - but Sean is someone I absolutely recommend for the best planning to make such a shoot go smoothly and no evidence to be left on the shoot scene or the model haha!

The natural light was playing games with us today and changing around from a half-bright overcast day to the usual local promise of dark skies and pouring rain outside... Sean works a lot with natural/ambient light in his styles though: so he’s on it from the technical side to ensure the shots come out good. New camera too - lotsa new buttons in different places but he still smashed it! :D

He so kindly gifted me a couple of matching pairs of some of the gorgeous leg wear we had been using for the shoot - and after seeing for myself how sass-tastic they looked in the pictures... Obviously over the moon! :) Thank you so much Sean - your wardrobe choice is dee best! 👌

Great comms/fun day at work/felt totally safe and happy as per usual/cracking pictures.

Thus; it’s yet another super positive recommendation from moi! :D


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Had my first shoot today with this lovely gentleman, it was an amazing shoot, pre comms were excellent, it was fun and very professional, we got some great Images :D

I very highly recommend him to all and I look forward to working with him again soon

Thanks again for a great shoot

Scarlet :D

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Zoé Margo

I've worked with Sean on several occasions in the past and i've always enjoyed the experience and yesterday was no exception.

Sean is always clear beforehand about his ideas, he's punctual and just turns up and gets on with it!

Sean's manner is very laidback ...(so much so, he's almost horizontal!)... but i personally enjoy that relaxed, easy going atmosphere as it makes for a nice working environment.

We chat ...(a lot!)... which again, is something i particularly enjoy whilst shooting.

Sean is happy to let me go with the flow when it comes to posing but doesn't hesitate to suggest changes if need be, from lighting set-ups to particular poses or angles.

Sean is always professional in his approach and is a genuinely lovely person whom i have no problem wholeheartedly recommending.

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Had my first shoot with LiL Photo today, his pre coms were great, we made quite a bit of content in only a short space of time. The shoot was very relaxed and he just let me go with the flow allowing me to do my own thing. Really nice guy, had great conversation and would definitely shoot with him again. Thanks for having me.

Fergie x

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Keira Lavelle

Second cracking photoshoot in the space of a few weeks recently (not our second ever shoot - we've had loads!) we just like to do them it batches it seems haha! :D As usual: a splendid photographer service, etiquette and hospitality from Sean... I'd come again in a heartbeat and highly recommend him!

This shoot was a little different because we shot the usual fashion/glam style shots with the gorgeous outfits that Sean assembles for his shoots; but we also did some messy stuff too! It's not a style I had really done properly before - I mean yeah, how many of us has done the honey on the face/body or a "messy cook" themed shoot or something... But not full on messy, so it was something I wanted to come prepped for with my hair cleaning stuff/mask and job lot haha! Sean was actually brilliant though: he had everything at the ready for quality management including a fast retreat route to the shower afterwards. In the time that I had got myself cleaned up - all the mess in the shooting area was gone without a trace! He knows what he is doing for sure - and we actually did get some uber cool shots in the bag! :D

I can't believe just how fast the time flew by: I mean it does when we're just shooting the outfits by themselves but on this shoot - it felt like we'd blinked and that was it! Sean is a really cool person to shoot with though: he's impeccably professional in all respects of working, but he's just an awesome guy generally. Fun to chat with, like-minded, down-to-earth, easy-going... It's just really nice having such fab people in your company while you work. :) I can bet other models who have also shot with Sean are completely echoing my comments too - a genuinely top bloke.

We're looking at getting another shoot in the diary already and I just have total confidence that it will be as bangin' as usual. :) If you too are planning a shoot with Sean: take my word for it that you'll receive nothing less than the best in respect/courtesy and great drive from this gent.

Thank you for another fabulous shoot Sean!


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Keira Lavelle

So good to catch up with Sean after another long spate of not shooting together! It means we have double the fun catching up with what each other's been up to in the meantime! :D We go way back though - our first shoot was at my parents house before I had my own place! :') That seems like forever ago for me!

So: this time we shot at Sean's post-Covid lockdown when the restrictions had eased as such. Even still: Sean was a total star and blitzed the place to perfection to ensure safety and safe working - we obviously abided by the guidelines nonetheless (the styles we shoot usually require more than social-distancing distance anyway to get the full look/effect) and Sean had all the lovey outfits out at the ready in a separate private changing space so I could just sort myself out between sets. Even with the limitations, Sean did not cease to be a fantastic host and always aimed to make sure I was happy and comfortable or had a drink if I needed one. He's brilliant to work with - really brilliant.

Now Sean has to be known for the truly fabulous outfits and leg wear that he supplies to models - it's definitely his signature! The kind of outfits that make you feel totally rock n' roll or savage! I have a few garments that Sean has kindly gifted to me over the years after shoots and whenever I wear them for a shoot I feel totally badass. :P He organises his gear so neatly and nicely in the models changing space so you know exactly what's what and can coordinate them according to each shot you're going for. Leggings to cute jackets and even skirts! This guy knows where to get the good stuff from! Furthermore - he knows how to shoot it too and has a brilliant eye for the images he's going for. So even if you are an inexperienced model, or simply working with Sean for the first time: he will be able to guide the shoot if needs be for the images he's after and get the angles/smash it with the lighting conditions relative to the look of the outfits etc.

Another model already beat me to the phrase that came to my mind in her reference that: Sean is virtually horizontal with how laid back he is - and I honestly have to agree with this 1000%! He is the nicest person you could honestly find on the planet, let alone in the industry and operates with a very strict "no stress/no rush" rule when he's shooting. :) It's normally us models that will be running around to get ready/get into the outfits as quickly as possible, but you can guarantee Sean will be reassuring us to calm down and not worry haha. He's just so easy going - yet utterly on-the-ball and productive when he's got his head in the game making the images. Of course to expand from that: he's unspeakably professional and well-mannered. He would make any model feel absolutely comfortable and happy whilst working with him because there is literally not a bad bone in his body.

Very highly recommended! We even got another shoot booked in for very soon after! And I'm sure there will be many more to come. :)

Thank you so much Sean!


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I applied for a casting and got an immediate response, Pre-comms were brilliant and I knew just what we were meant to be shooting.

Super easy-going, we got on like a house on fire and nattered our way through a shoot. He talked me through what he was doing and what he was aiming for.

He brought his own clothes which fit just fine.

Already looking forward to the next :)

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