Sad clown Bodypaint

Sad clown Bodypaint / Makeup by SaphronM, Stylist SaphronM, Hair styling by SaphronM / Uploaded 29th October 2019 @ 08:32 PM
Makeup by: SaphronMStylist: SaphronMHair styling by: SaphronMKeyword tags: bald, body paint, circus, clown, Elizabethan, make-up, melting, mua, psychedelic, sad clown, tearsGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1572381176 by SaphronM.

Body painting assessment at Uni.

Based on commedia dell’arte, 16th century and psychedelic imagery.

Bald cap, makeup, body paint and ruff all done by me.

Photographers name unknown sadly.