Home » Elena Tun » Credited photos for Elena Tun » RT Retouch » Listen with your heart; you will understand

Listen with your heart; you will understand

Listen with your heart; you will understand  / Photography by Rebecca Tun (Photographer), Model Elena Tun, Post processing by RT Retouch / Uploaded 3rd May 2023 @ 08:18 PM

Added 1683145121 by RT Retouch.

This is an experiment with AI-assisted digital portraiture. This is based on my sister Elena, envisioned as a Pocahontas-like character.

Check it out on Instagram to see my process:


The starting point was a photograph of Elena that I took in 2018:


I fed it into the app StarryAI asking for “Disney Pocahontas, colours of the wind, flowing, dreamy, song, hope, watercolor, tonalism, beautiful, Chinese watercolor, romanticism”. You can see the AI output in my Instagram post linked above.

I edited the picture on three apps on my iPad: iColorama, Airbrush and Snapseed. I made thousands of changes and switched back and forth between the three apps.

This is my first ever finished AI-assisted digital edit, but I have a dozen projects awaiting me within my results folders on StarryAI.

AI-generated images aren't allowed on Purpleport, but if you check my Instagram post you'll be able to gauge how much of the input came from me, both before and after the AI stage. The final piece looks very different from the AI piece. I think it's important to be as transparent as possible about my process when I involve AI in my work, which is why I shared the stages on Instagram.