Home » Antony Sendall » "Beauty itself doth of itself persuade the eyes of men without an orator" William Shakespeare

"Beauty itself doth of itself persuade the eyes of men without an orator" William Shakespeare

"Beauty itself doth of itself persuade the eyes of men without an orator" William Shakespeare / Photography by Antony Sendall / Uploaded 4th August 2015 @ 03:46 PM

Added 1438703184 by Antony Sendall.

From a shoot with the utterly beguiling and beautiful Georgia Wood. This was her first shoot as a model. I first encountered her as an amazing MUA on a shoot for designer Pierre Garroudi. I asked her if she had ever modelled and she told me she had not but would like to give it a try. I told her I thought she might suit an androgynous idea that has been bubbling away in my mind. The MUA on this shoot was Millie Redrup who did a really outstanding job. Image shot using natural light at Canary Wharf, Isle of Dogs, London