Question for Photographers and Models - Direct messaging hindrance or a help?


Ash Day said, 1714151826

I'm happy to receive direct messages from models looking for potential shoot opportunities, whether on a tour or just a straight 1-to-1 shoot, but I'd prefer it if they've actually looked at my profile and find/suggest something in my style they like and feel they might be suited for.

To be fair I've had a few great shoots built on someone messaging out of the blue (when time and funds allow), though being on my WTWW list definitely helps.

Everly Rose said, 1714151879

amgine said

Everly Rose said

amgine said

It's no problem for me. You might get a short but polite "no" message but you never know. I shot a model recently who was on tour and would never have realised as it was just (by a couple of miles) outside my usual search criteria - I was quite 😊

that's nice to hear and the sort of feedback I was interested in so thank you :)

Everly Rose said

amgine said

It's no problem for me. You might get a short but polite "no" message but you never know. I shot a model recently who was on tour and would never have realised as it was just (by a couple of miles) outside my usual search criteria - I was quite 😊

that's nice to hear and the sort of feedback I was interested in so thank you

If your down my way definitely let me know.


I actually am nearby soon, I will send you a PM x

Afrofilmviewer said, 1714152382

Everly Rose there's an outside chance I can make the reading shindig. The issue for me looks like getting back.

Also my first message has a typo. *Busyness not business.

I've had some great shoots of models who simply took the time to message me. Due to the little guy I now try and keep the slate quite clean/short but if people show interest and are willing to possibly compromise then yeah I can shoot. said, 1714152399

A direct message, from someone who has taken the trouble to read my profile and offer an a appropriate shoot, is always welcome. However generic spammy round-robin messages where the sender clearly has not bothered to read my profile are never welcome.

JamesMt142 said, 1714152677

Would prefer DMs. Round Robins are fine I guess but a direct heads up that "I'm gonna be in the East Midlands from X to Y" is always going to better get my attention.

YMMV and all that.

Everly Rose said, 1714152930

Thank you everyone, all of this feedback has been so helpful to me :)

indemnity said, 1714153495

A message from anybody who's taken the time to read my notes if a model, or contacts me over a particular subject if another photographer/studio/mua etc is always welcome, and will be replied to.

Spam will get a simple 'no thanks' response.

Starglider Photography said, 1714153578

I tend to prefer messages from models who want to work with me specifically as opposed to just telling me that they are in the area.

It's a little irritating when a model contacts me with their rates when my portfolio specifies I work TF only, because clearly they either didn't read the notes or they don't actually care either way if they work with me or not.

But it's very annoying when models get in touch saying "I really love your work and I'd love to model for you" only then to say "oh I only do paid shoots" because they again didn't read my portfolio notes.

Chris Green said, 1714153693

This is a networking site for models and photographers to connect. It would therefore be rather odd for anyone to get annoyed if another person tries to connect with them!

However, if you’re a model looking for business, you’re likely to get more success with a tailored message to a photographer than a generic message. That’s no different from any other area of marketing.

Quite a number of my shoots have come from models messaging me directly.

Wondrous said, 1714153821

Chris Green the post box is used for messaging people are allowed to get annoyed if they get junk mail.

Everly Rose said, 1714153934

Starglider Photography said

I tend to prefer messages from models who want to work with me specifically as opposed to just telling me that they are in the area.

It's a little irritating when a model contacts me with their rates when my portfolio specifies I work TF only, because clearly they either didn't read the notes or they don't actually care either way if they work with me or not.

But it's very annoying when models get in touch saying "I really love your work and I'd love to model for you" only then to say "oh I only do paid shoots" because they again didn't read my portfolio notes.

Hi Matey

I would never do that I always have a good look at the port before I would reach out. Hope your well, miss ya loads xxx

A Shot in the Dark said, 1714154620

I'd have absolutely no issue with models messaging that they're in my area. Like others have mentioned, it's really useful to have all the details in the first message, including rates! My budget is limited so that's something I like to know upfront in particular :)

Allan Burness Photography said, 1714154710


I have previously made a post about how bad the casting section is, with the fact you cant search by a date, so can easily miss when models will be available, it is really something this site needs to look into, but I guess can add that to a list of what needs to be sorted, so a polite hello message from a model who is going to be in my area I dont mind. I do have to say I would prefer that they are actually interested in working with me, and not that they are just hoping to pick up work.

As with anything that involves interaction, you will get some that will like and some that wont, but as advice goes, if you dont ask, you dont get, so I say go for it!!

ChrisCobb said, 1714158566

I’ve never minded receiving messages when models are looking for work. Over the years I’ve booked a few shoots as a result of receiving a message.

I don’t even mind if it is a generic message.

I like seeing people being proactive in life. At worst I may not be interested in a shoot, but I will look at your portfolio, I may like a few images and I may keep you in mind for the future.

I may be interested and book something or I may be interested but not able to book yet.

Whatever the outcome, you’ll have been noticed and I’ll know that you are keen to work.

Michael_990 said, 1714159172

A Shot in the Dark said

Like others have mentioned, it's really useful to have all the details in the first message, including rates!

Good point! "Contact me to hear about my rates" doesn't fly very high.