Question for Photographers and Models - Direct messaging hindrance or a help?


Damien J said, 1714163380

Some will hate being messaged but personally I don’t mind as I would not want to miss out on something I could be interested in.

However it can get frustrating if they persist after being advised that it’s not something I could do or would be interested in as I tend to book 1-2 months in advance.

MarkGerrardPhotography said, 1714164766

I don't mind being contacted if it's a touring model.  For local models it's OK being contacted once but not once a month with generic messages as one model has been doing until I blocked her

Gerry99111 said, 1714165889

Ahh, the usual very poor advice from photographers that people should be happy to receive messages as this is a networking site has reared it's head again! We all have a set number of shoots we will likely do in one year. Forget the nonsense about if they are upset, they shouldn't be on the site crap. Get the initial contact wrong and you will guarantee that someone else will be getting those shoots. 

This is the one size definitely doesn't fit all. Those that keep mentioning in threads they wish models would message them or can't understand why someone would be bothered, add them to a list and hammer them every time you get within a reasonable distance of them. :) There will be others who it is perfectly feasible to get a shoot with them, just direct messaging to fill a slot will be completely the wrong way to go about it. 

I am very time poor and have been for many years, so do not engage in general chit chat with other members. I invest my time looking for specific models who I can get multiple day shoots with if we are both happy and have quite specific themes that interest me. I look at castings, image uploads and forming an opinion and then messaging when I am sure. If a model I am interested in is doing that, I will have seen it, so messaging out the blue runs a significant risk of turning a potential interest into, I'll find someone else instead.

General requests for shoots have all failed. Possibly as much as 10 years or more. I even get them message me and keen to shoot but no evidence they can or will shoot the type of work I do. I am having to get more and more direct with such messages as fishing doesn't work at all with me. When I think back to the couple who did a long time ago and I worked with - they were all local, very well established, exactly fitted my portfolio and shoot styles and just let me know they existed and if I was interested, they would be happy to hear from me. 

It is a particularly bad idea to message me saying hey I have a spare slot at my studio day next weekend, fancy taking it, or I am touring the UK next month, would you be interested in shooting with me, yet those make up over 90% of model messages I get out the blue. I don't do studio days as evidenced by my work, all shot at my home studio or my locations, I don't do events either and I tend to work with specific people as evidenced by my port, because I am looking for something specific.

So whilst it may not be obvious I see most of who is around, general messages looking for shoots without recognising or acknowledging what I actually need will close the door not open it. I don't think models have the time to try and work out what each one of us actually wants or prefers but applying a one size all is the wrong approach

jmbphoto said, 1714166320

Similar to most other responses, I don't overly mind a direct contact from a model - and as a lot of other people said, some sort of indication that they've at least looked at my portfolio is appreciated - a generic heads-up as an alternative to a casting might be useful if it was someone I wanted to work with and was unexpectedly free, but sadly my time + money for shoots is very variable, and the chances are I'd not be!

MAB Photography Pembrokeshire said, 1714169832

Like quite a few previous comments, I am always happy to receive direct messages from models who are planning to be visiting my area and who have looked at my portfolio and readily fit in with my style of work. I tend to shoot a couple of times a month and have shoots planned up to a couple of months ahead, so last-minute shoot requests generally don't work for me. Bland impersonal spam messages are a pet hate of mine and put me off models who adopt this approach.

Sin Yu Chan said, 1714170876

Haven't written anything in the forum in quite a while (I don't want to potentially offend people). But the topic of direct messaging has been brought up before and I've said something about it a while ago. Also I don't think there's been a model's response so far so I'll do one.

I only direct message photographers to fill up studio days. I would go to the studio's PP portfolio, scroll down their references and see which photographers regularly shoot there. Pick and choose who to approach.

Otherwise, I find direct messaging very ineffective. Too much time and effort. I would have to research which photographers are in the area I'm in (And are still active on PP of course). Read all their portfolio notes. Gauge who are potentially interested to work with me and are willing to pay me (Even some people who add me to their WTWW list are not necessarily ready to pay me). On top of that tailoring a personalised message to every photographer and potentially brainstorming and suggesting ideas for each of them as well. I've done it all before. The reward was depressingly little for me.

I might offend someone by saying this ... I also think some photographers are ... sorry for lack of better description 'Time wasters'. Yes we can have a little casual chit chat initially. But some photographers just keep me hanging for eternity. Or keep exchanging lovely ideas but never manage to take action and schedule a date, time and place. I don't like chasing people ... I love a little get to know each other moment but at the end of the day you and I both know I'm trying to settle a booking here. 

Having said all this, I am a fashion only model after all so generally it's more difficult for me on PP where it's more lingerie and art nude dominated. But go ahead and try maybe you can get better results than I have :) 

I'll stick with castings. I post them quite literally everyday. If people see it. They see it. If they don't. They don't. Gotten more bookings from it than directly messaging actually ...

Edited by Sin Yu Chan

Edited by Sin Yu Chan

Danny Garcia said, 1714181748

I don't mind. Sometimes it's nice to know when an opportunity to shot someone who is not typically in your area. Message away!

James Box said, 1714194919

Personally I don’t mind, and get more & more shoots this way. But like social media in general, you get models who are to the point but polite, then you get pushy ones, really appearing desperate to work with you. They are just desperate… Like any communication that is not in person, do not expect to always get a reply. Having said some negative stuff, for me this has led to shoots that have been unexpectedly fantastic. With PP over the years it has been a mixed bag, from great experiences, to turning up to a shoot and being offered something else. I feel I could fill a podcast with some tales…..

Dennis Bloodnok Photography said, 1714195417

Everly Rose said

Afternoon Everyone

This has probably been discussed before but I'm gauging the general consensus about it.

Following on from a recent thread about a lack of models in a certain area I had actually posted several castings for that area and had 0 interest so I cancelled the tour. I have since discovered a lot of photographers didn't see my castings or events and missed out on it.

I have thought about directly messaging photographers in the past not so much cold calling but letting them know I will be in the area and what I am offering, i.e where I am staying and can shoot and my rates and availability. Now I know a lot of people do not like this and being a massive over thinker I would hate to annoy people or make them veer away from working with me because they feel I'm being cheeky messaging them.

I also have a photography account and I don't mind models messaging me when they are in my area and I have had a few good bookings with models I would never have thought about working with due to this. If I can't shoot or they are not my taste I just reply with a short message saying I'm unfortunately not available at that time etc.

So does it irritate you when models message you or is it more the generic messaging that irks you? If you received a nice message with the models details and what she or he is offering with no pressure to book is this Okay?

I know some models get A lot of their bookings through direct messaging but it's something I haven't done before and usually rely on posting castings and events on here and in relevant facebook groups.

Models do you find you get bookings from directly messaging photographers on here?

I have a upcoming tour with a few small slots left I really would love to fill and I would hate to not fill them and then be told 'oh I didn't see your castings or know you were here etc', on the other hand I don't want to get a bad name for direct messaging folk so any feedback or opinions would be gratefully received as long as they are relevant to the question.

Thanks for taking the time to read


Edited by Everly Rose

Edited by Everly Rose

Just like several other photographers in this thread, I book my shoots several months in advance. I direct message the model(s) that I am interested in working with. But I am OK with model's direct messaging me. To cut a long story short, if a particular model has the right "look" for the shoot that I am planning, then great !!

For example I am currently planning a multi-model shoot for late 2024. I have already messaged two models (with whom I have worked previously). I also plan to message at least one other model who is new to me. IE A model that I have not worked with before.

As for the use of castings, well my experience has been a-bit-hit-and-miss. Some of my castings have resulted in me working with certain models with whom I have gone on to work with again and again at multiple shoots over several years. Equally some of my castings have resulted in me being messaged by models who were completely opposite to what I am looking for.

bad john said, 1714197503

Like most people, I hate phone calls from companies that I have never heard of.

However, a message from a model here is not the same. That I have created a photographer account here suggests interest so it is not a completely cold call.

Will it lead to a shoot? It has happened but not often. The more effort the model puts in the better the chances. E.g. if you say "I love your images" then click that love button on a few. This will flatter the photographer and give them an idea of what you like. At least scan the notes to see whether you might match. Finally, recognise a polite "no thank you" answer.

Is it worth the effort? That's up to you. My guess is no. Put the effort into a good casting.

Edited by bad john

film98 said, 1714200535

I think it's totally fine to get a generic "hi. From the look of your profile, you may be interested in working with me. i will be in your area on X date, my rates are Y" mail, but I think it's important that the intention and rates are mentioned up front.

film98 said, 1714201039

Tbh I'm surprised at the amount of importance placed on the model in question looking at their profile, liking some of their photos, and telling them so.

That's not important. 'can I make good photos with this person?' is important.

Chris Green said, 1714202980

It looks like most photographers either don't mind or positively welcome direct messages from models - particularly if they contain relevant information about location, rates and availability etc.  And I suspect that photographers get far fewer messages than models anyway, so a couple of direct approaches each week (from different models!) really isn't a problem.

Most photographers won't have a set number of shoots they do each year, but will take opportunities when they arise.  So if you present an opportunity clearly and make it easy for the potential client to book you, then it's more likely to result in a positive outcome.

I do accept Sin Yu Chan 's point though that the return on investment of time can be disappointing.  Unfortunately that's often the case with any sort of direct marketing, even if you're pursuing warm leads (ie photographers who have joined and are active on a photography/model networking site).

Edited by Chris Green

Everly Rose said, 1714203211

Gerry99111 said

Ahh, the usual very poor advice from photographers that people should be happy to receive messages as this is a networking site has reared it's head again! We all have a set number of shoots we will likely do in one year. Forget the nonsense about if they are upset, they shouldn't be on the site crap. Get the initial contact wrong and you will guarantee that someone else will be getting those shoots. 

This is the one size definitely doesn't fit all. Those that keep mentioning in threads they wish models would message them or can't understand why someone would be bothered, add them to a list and hammer them every time you get within a reasonable distance of them. :) There will be others who it is perfectly feasible to get a shoot with them, just direct messaging to fill a slot will be completely the wrong way to go about it. 

I am very time poor and have been for many years, so do not engage in general chit chat with other members. I invest my time looking for specific models who I can get multiple day shoots with if we are both happy and have quite specific themes that interest me. I look at castings, image uploads and forming an opinion and then messaging when I am sure. If a model I am interested in is doing that, I will have seen it, so messaging out the blue runs a significant risk of turning a potential interest into, I'll find someone else instead.

General requests for shoots have all failed. Possibly as much as 10 years or more. I even get them message me and keen to shoot but no evidence they can or will shoot the type of work I do. I am having to get more and more direct with such messages as fishing doesn't work at all with me. When I think back to the couple who did a long time ago and I worked with - they were all local, very well established, exactly fitted my portfolio and shoot styles and just let me know they existed and if I was interested, they would be happy to hear from me. 

It is a particularly bad idea to message me saying hey I have a spare slot at my studio day next weekend, fancy taking it, or I am touring the UK next month, would you be interested in shooting with me, yet those make up over 90% of model messages I get out the blue. I don't do studio days as evidenced by my work, all shot at my home studio or my locations, I don't do events either and I tend to work with specific people as evidenced by my port, because I am looking for something specific.

So whilst it may not be obvious I see most of who is around, general messages looking for shoots without recognising or acknowledging what I actually need will close the door not open it. I don't think models have the time to try and work out what each one of us actually wants or prefers but applying a one size all is the wrong approach

I am actually making a list as the thread goes of photographers who would not wish to be messaged so I will make sure you go on it :) 

M e l a n y said, 1714203413

I don’t tend to direct message but when I have in the past I used the search to come up with photographers in the area I was shooting who has viewed my profile - in that way it didn’t feel like I was cold calling because I thanked them for looking at my profile and then gave info on my shoot in case they might be interested 😊