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230203 Ace Test Shoots

230203 Ace Test Shoots  / Photography by Ace, Post processing by Ace, Taken at Ace / Uploaded 27th March 2023 @ 05:25 PM

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Added 1679937908 by Ace.

I have some new lighting and wanted to work out a beauty light type set up without a boom arm for my travelling pop-up studio because boom arms are just about the most dangerous item in a studio!

I invited 3 sisters from my family shooting days. Two of the girls are now dancers and so know about posing. They should know about posing as their mum reminded me... I've been shooting them since they were 2 yrs old!


A strip box without grid on a centrally placed stand, as overhead as I could get. A 1 metre silver reflector on the central figure's lap, angled so it illuminated them all evenly.

A white background sufficiently far away to drop off to very dark grey.

Nikon D810, 70mm, F10, 100ISO

B&W and blue toning in LR & Photoshop