What do you prefer, Group Shoot or 121!


JPea said, 1712433750

I've done both, but almost always 1to1.

I have done some lovely group shoots in wonderful locations with brilliant models.

I suppose I just do my best with whatever the situation is that I find myself in

JPea said, 1712433952

Readoing back in some previous posts, I do have to say that the group shoots I have done have been very well organised and the shooting has always been 1to1.

Gothic Image said, 1712435302

JPea said

Readoing back in some previous posts, I do have to say that the group shoots I have done have been very well organised and the shooting has always been 1to1.

That's my experience too, but it's apparent that there are some appallingly badly organised ones out there.

Edited by Gothic Image

WayneS said, 1712443278

1 to 1 for me…tried group shoots and whilst they can be well organised, you are all still largely going to get similar shots and there is no real time to interact. I like to take my time on a shoot, not having other people breathing down my neck.

Glamourportraits said, 1712472290

My answer is - it depends.

In my earlier days, I attended several group shoots as well as working on my own with just one (or a couple) of models either in the studio or on location. The ‘drivers’ for my earlier group shoots were mainly around learning. And as someone has already said, it was a great way to watch how others approach a model shoot using the same model and set, with the ability to vary the lighting to experiment.

An additional benefit was that in those days (13 odd years back) the shoots would often have 4 of the top 10 popular models on Purestorm and the opportunity to have an hour per set per model was amazing value at £90. The bonus I have noted over the years since, is that as my editing skills have increased enormously. I have been able to edit the images to reflect very different looks to the original images, which further enhances my individual ‘vision’. (Caveat - my editing skills are not particularly good now, more that they were awful/non existent then). 

Working 1-1 with models has many benefits and joys and these shoots account for the vast majority of my shoots.

But my 12 years as a pro, shooting fashion shows, proms, night club, weddings, black tie balls, dance events, and family shoots have all been essentially group shoot scenarios and I enjoyed the challenges and benefits of these enormously ……. And I got paid decent sums of money too. Something I always feel blessed about.

So now I am retired, I have attended a couple of Paparazi type community group shoots with a big group of photographers and models, …….. and I love them. It’s great to chat with fellow models and photographers throughout the day, get some amazing pictures, watch how the younger generation use different cameras, concepts and all sorts of ideas. All for £5 

I have also considered the elaborate group shoots with amazing sets, great models, outfits and props. But the cost of £350+ and the feeling of ‘cheating’ means they are not for me. It just seems to be a ‘pay to play’ form of photography that creates amazing images, but since there are a lot of events like this now, the look has become too ‘samey’  for me. (But I also feel that as an option that this ‘offer provides’ I hope they continue to be as popular as they are now).

So finally (sorry) to get to the core of what I think the OP was asking, I would like to see more group shoots with a combination of a:

  • 4 hr session
  • 12 photographers,
  • 4 top models,
  • 4 different sets,  
  • 1 hr per model with the same 3 photographers,

equating to

  • 20 mins shooting time 
  • 40 mins observing/helping move lights etc, group discussion on approach (including models wealth of experience)

Would be my current dream shoot scenario.

Huw said, 1712473177

Group shoot….   But like going to MacDonalds for a meal instead of cooking something yourself, isn’t it?


Great learning experience at the start, end of the learning experience later on.


I’m slightly baffled by the success of these model organised luxury photo adventures - very expensive - but amazing results. Clearly great value for money for those taking part, and I’m not criticising them in any way. I’m the odd one out!

My ideal day’s shooting would be get in the Landrover with a model, no plan, drive until we spot somewhere new and interesting.

Amit Kumar said, 1712473915

1-2-1 always.

Orson Carter said, 1712474208

Group shoots - the idea of a mass scrummage of photographers doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. But if a group shoot allowed 1-to-1 time with the model(s) - especially in a special sort of location - I'd be happy with that.  

Otherwise, it's always 1-to-1 for me. 

sd photography54 said, 1712474741

Stu H said

Not sure if this fits in to Group shoots or one-to-one ... I have another photographer that I shoot with. We book the model for a full day and share the cost between us.

We work on a shoot or assist basis, so there is only one photographer shooting at time; the other is acting as lighting assistant, look-out or scouting where they want to shoot.

We work totally independently of each other; there is no clock watching and each one of us shoots until we get what we want.

Once we feel that we've got what we want at a location, we'll move on to the next one and next outfit / set of poses.

It works well for us; we get on well together, have senses of humour that off-set each other and our primary plan for the day is to enjoy it. We know how we shoot, for example, I'll know exactly where to stand with a flash as a start point and it'll get refined from there. 

My early years of working with models were like this till 2015 when unexpectedly my mate of 30years passed away, (RIP Mick) yeah your'e still missed.

A great way to work with models and half the cost.

sd photography54 said, 1712475129

Nico Dee I love doing 1-2-1s,

Since being retired and on a limited budget I'm doing mostly well organised group shoots with the odd 1-2-1 here and there when money allows,

Group shoots have a place for beginners and expeianced photographers, well I think so.

Gothic Image said, 1712475725

Huw said

I’m slightly baffled by the success of these model organised luxury photo adventures - very expensive - but amazing results. Clearly great value for money for those taking part, and I’m not criticising them in any way. I’m the odd one out!

As those who have been on several Artemesians will tell you, there's also a strong social element to their success. You become part of a like-minded creative community for several days, which is productive and enjoyable in equal measure.

sd photography54 said, 1712475786

paul thomas said

 I do not favour group shoots for the reasons that they are very mechanical and samey. The lights are set up in one style and all present get the same styled and lit shots.

I've noticed in the last couple of years that on some group shoots i've been to you'll get one photographer that wants the background and lighting changed for when he shoots so he has something different,

I just wish the studio owner would turn around and say no to this as it takes time of others that are in the group, I can see why some owner let this happen as they want the photographer to come back and use his studio also this could encourage some in the group not to return to there studio.

Swings and roundabouts I suppose.

Terry Onslow Photography said, 1712476727

I love group shoots for the banter between photographers and the model.

But, each to their own!!

paul thomas said, 1712476737

sd photography54 said

paul thomas said

 I do not favour group shoots for the reasons that they are very mechanical and samey. The lights are set up in one style and all present get the same styled and lit shots.

I've noticed in the last couple of years that on some group shoots i've been to you'll get one photographer that wants the background and lighting changed for when he shoots so he has something different,

I just wish the studio owner would turn around and say no to this as it takes time of others that are in the group, I can see why some owner let this happen as they want the photographer to come back and use his studio also this could encourage some in the group not to return to there studio.

Swings and roundabouts I suppose.

Normally it doesn't happen that way - although it's many years since I've attended a Group shoot by choice.

Normally its a change in lighting and outfit, then all to shoot same, then perhaps a lighting change and new set and all to shoot.

I would agree with you - if each photographer wanted the lighting changed every turn, then it's not a group shoot lol - it's many one to ones 🤣 🤣.

Glamourportraits said, 1712476918

Huw said

Group shoot….   But like going to MacDonalds for a meal instead of cooking something yourself, isn’t it?


Great learning experience at the start, end of the learning experience later on.


I’m slightly baffled by the success of these model organised luxury photo adventures - very expensive - but amazing results. Clearly great value for money for those taking part, and I’m not criticising them in any way. I’m the odd one out!

My ideal day’s shooting would be get in the Landrover with a model, no plan, drive until we spot somewhere new and interesting.

My views entirely. Of interest is that my wife is an ex catwalk model, and a successful Instagram influencer. She has to do everything herself (except take the photos). And when I was talking to her recently about the shoots you mention above and my similar views, she floored me a bit saying she would like to model for them as like catwalk modelling, everything would be done for her and she just have to pose! ………

I didn’t speak to her for a week as I felt totally offended that she didn’t rate my photography efforts for her !!! But when you look at these images I can’t blame her. But I am now planning to use the resources of some of these prop and set creators to get images of the props and sets themselves for my film photography (I pay) …. And possibly some of my wife in the future. So using the best this ‘market has to offer, but with my lead. Of course I will be paying, but I absolutely see the value of these type of images - I just want to capture them on my terms.