What do you prefer, Group Shoot or 121!


indemnity said, 1712484115

PauloUK said

As I'm just starting out, I'm pretty self-conscious about making an idiot of myself, so 1-2-1 is absolutely the way to go (at least for now).

I beg to differ, you might benefit from the help of others at a time when things go wrong or schoolboy errors are made. I've witnessed it on many occasions when the new to studio environment struggle and help/guidance is offered, that is a more efficient way to learn imho.

Zara_Lee said, 1712484309

I do like group shoots for networking and working with lots of different people, however I do probably prefer 121 if I had to choose one.

Group shoots can be a bit chaotic for me and I find meeting alot of new people at once quite daunting - but nearly all of the ones i have been on, everyone was lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed my last one which was organised by Leah Meraki.

Nico Dee said, 1712484856

Wow! I can't believe how many responses this got!

Thank you so much for all your input and especially for those that went into detail!

Of course there are many variables, but it's nice to see so many personal opinions 😁

Nico Dee said, 1712485035

Tabitha Boydell

Absolutely I think this alone could change anyone's mind to want to do a group to be honest!

Perception said, 1712485236

Ive been on a few group shoots that where workshops. Ive learnt a lot but they were quite expensive and niche workshops which attracted very capable photographers (except me lol). But I think even on these occasions I've generally binned all the images or not taken them further. Creating more personal work requires a lot of time, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of back and forth with the models. I even struggle to get into a good mental zone with the model present, never mind a load of people standing around and a timer on me. 

Allesandro B said, 1712487589

Nico Dee said

Tabitha Boydell

Absolutely I think this alone could change anyone's mind to want to do a group to be honest!

I agree, undoubtedly there are huge benefits to the type of events you run (it's pretty much not possible for an individual to do it) and whilst the holiday model trip is nor for me (although a variation of that where it could be part of a trip I was making could be). 

The issue is I suspect many photographers have observed and experienced that pack mentality or the person who just wants to hog the shoot and just thought I do not want to be vaguely associated with that. Getting a reputation for and ensuring that group shoots are really well marshalled by the organiser is key.

Gray2 said, 1712492509

Both have their place. Group shoots are good from a networking point of view and they can be a good social event. Although you might have to work hard to get something different from the other photographers there.

1-2-1 enables you to get to know your model better and as long as you have some plan of what you want to shoot then your images will generally be the better for it.

JPea said, 1712493480

If I may come back again.

There do seem to be different types of group shoots.

Sets with lighting in a studio do seem  more likely to give problems.

My experience both in foreign holiday trips and in shoots in this country in areas with many options and where you have a set time shooting 121, do seem to be more relaxed and creative, even allowing for more or less constraints on model choice and dressing of the models.

However, what I do like is doing a whole range of different things and trying not to get into a rut.

I enjoy taking photographs. Even if failure is the result.

Perception said, 1712495082

Theres also the way the collodion guys sometimes do it, people club together for a location and everything needed, then you bring your own model if you want one, although that relies on somebody other than the model doing all the organising which often isn't an amateur photographer's favourite thing to do.

bad john said, 1712495215

Of course, one-to-one shoots are usually the best but I will consider group shoots.  It can be an easy and economic opportunity to meet a new model or try a new studio or both.  If you like the model then you can always arrange a one-to-one later.  I have done that; I met one great model at a group shoot.  I liked the images but they were similar to those of the other photographers.  I have since arranged some one-to-one shoots with her.  

Another reason to consider a group shoot is for a nice setting or theme that would be infeasible one-to-one.  I like Tabitha Boydell's events for this reason.  I could not have managed to arrange a similar shoot by myself.  

Group shoots are a bit of a gamble but I feel willing to take the risk.  Some have been well organized and tempt me to come back.  Some have been poorly organized and I won't go again. 

Tabitha's are an example of well organized group events.  I have been to two and I have a third booked.  

Gothic Image said, 1712650652

The other (slightly off-topic) thing that hasn't been mentioned is the kind of group shoot where a location is organised but you bring your own model. I've participated in several of the ones organised by Badger2016 - Woodchester Mansion and Gloucester and Dorchester Prisons, for example. Mirror Image'S' is currently organising one for Shepton Mallet prison.  These events provide interesting locations for less than you'd pay if organising it yourself but still have 1:1 shooting.

Stephen Roissy said, 1712651309

I have enjoyed both. As others have said there are different opportunities - I do mostly one to one but over the years have enjoyed some good group shoots in various location - studios and locations. Variety is the spice of life!!

Timmee said, 1712663214

I'm going to a group shoot tomorrow. The posh photographers always knock (disparage) them on forum discussions, but I don't.

Gothic Image said, 1712665228

Timmee said

I'm going to a group shoot tomorrow. The posh photographers always knock (disparage) them on forum discussions, but I don't.

Oi - watch it!  Who are you calling posh, and some of us don't!  :-)

RaphaelPhoto said, 1712665561

121, I did a group shoot once I didn't like it, at all.