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Never Too Late

ClickMore 📷

By ClickMore 📷, 1641212009

It's never too late to get an FPI. For the benefit of those who strive to get one or more (I am not one of them) it is not immediate. Two and a half years ago an image of Elesha got lots of interest and I was astounded when it got 186 Likes and quite a few comments. It got suggestion after suggestion but no FPI. I was actually very pleased that the Likes had come in the general course of things. Yesterday I was busy and came home to 56 notifications, which indicated one thing. 

So my message is: Not to put all your eggs in one basket chasing FPIs, just do your own thing and perhaps one day the quality will shine through. I never thank anyone for FPIs or celebrate getting my **th FPI just to get more Likes. I just go on with what I like doing, hence not posting the image here. 

CalmNudes said, 1641221104

Two and a half years ?  Pah. That's quick  I put this up  about one of mine which got on the front page  1787 days after being posted. (1826 days would be the 5th anniversary), and it mentioned another of mine which took 1798 days.  I took a look at the pictures around mine, and there were a lot from the last couple of weeks but a few which were a couple of years old. 

I found yours : it's an image to be pleased with, and as you say that's the important thing; not getting carried away with FPIs - or being downcast at not getting them is also important (that Kipling quote about meeting "With Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same"  springs to mind). Still it's nice to get recognized, make sure you do take a moment to enjoy it :-) 

ε OI ε said, 1641390018

I do love the way the model's dress easily blends into the background.

DarkerSide said, 1641484068

Today I found an FPI that had exactly 2 (yes TWO) Likes. Does that mean that even the selectors didn't like it? And is this a record? OK it was from 10 years ago ...

ClickMore 📷 said, 1641484460

SteveDMc said

Today I found an FPI that had exactly 2 (yes TWO) Likes. Does that mean that even the selectors didn't like it? And is this a record? OK it was from 10 years ago ...

I have a couple with very few Likes from that era. There wasn't the desperation and emphasis on FPIs back then.