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Sleep and You Miss It

ClickMore 📷

By ClickMore 📷, 1702469891

Sometime in the middle of the night I got awarded an FPI. I had no idea until I logged on at about 10.00am this morning. Happily I could see all the notifications in one go and not give it another thought. Thank you all the insomniacs who liked it. I just wonder what the fuss is about to constantly strive for them. We also have the members telling those striving to change their style/ editing/Use a MUA etc. Just create how you like. Enjoy your photography and develop the style you like. Maybe you too will get an FPI for the insomniacs to enjoy. Having not been able to shoot for 4 months it isn't stopping me and my own creativity by combining my photography and my very basic art skills. First image nearly complete. Will it be an FPI image? I doubt it. Will I be happy with the end result? Too bloody right.