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Who Thought They Had a FPI

ClickMore πŸ“·

By ClickMore πŸ“·, 1657265683

Just wondering who woke up to about 50 notifications this morning and thought they had an FPI? Haha, all it turned out to be was someone adding clothing images to an album to sell. Having noticed the first few go up last night. It wasn't me.

Not sure I would have reacted as FPIs are not very high on my priority list.

Also posted by ClickMore πŸ“· in this group

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Bruin said, 1657265830

I did as well lol

ClickMore πŸ“· said, 1657274787

Bruin said

I did as well lol

I bet there are more than just you.

Silverbeard1 said, 1657279594

I didn’t, but I had 😎

Orson Carter said, 1657280355

Nope. I knew I hadn't. 

As explained by a few folk on here, to get FPIs one must be part of the 'in' crowd (whatever that is), be friends with an Elf (or, even better, actually be an Elf), shoot to a formula, or have some other crafty trick up one's sleeve*.     

I don't do any of that stuff, so I knew it couldn't be me. 

[* Under the terms of Directive 476B, I'm obliged to point out that my comment about 'how to get an FPI' was tongue-in-cheek.]

ClickMore πŸ“· said, 1657280938

Orson Carter said

Nope. I knew I hadn't. 

As explained by a few folk on here, to get FPIs one must be part of the 'in' crowd (whatever that is), be friends with an Elf (or, even better, actually be an Elf), shoot to a formula, or have some other crafty trick up one's sleeve*.     

I don't do any of that stuff, so I knew it couldn't be me. 

[* Under the terms of Directive 476B, I'm obliged to point out that my comment about 'how to get an FPI' was tongue-in-cheek.]

My crafty trick is to not to take any notice until I get one. Once I have checked, I get on with whatever I wasn't doing. Within a few hours the "Like Vultures" fly away.

Gothic Image said, 1657282868

Orson Carter said

Nope. I knew I hadn't. 

As explained by a few folk on here, to get FPIs one must be part of the 'in' crowd (whatever that is), be friends with an Elf (or, even better, actually be an Elf), shoot to a formula, or have some other crafty trick up one's sleeve*.     

I don't do any of that stuff, so I knew it couldn't be me. 

[* Under the terms of Directive 476B, I'm obliged to point out that my comment about 'how to get an FPI' was tongue-in-cheek.]

The National Elf Service, perhaps?  :-)

And to the OP, no I wasn't, but I know what you mean!

ClickMore πŸ“· said, 1657290005

Gothic Image I saw all the images going up. I get the impression lots of the member's followers would have jumped to that conclusion but don't want to admit it.

indemnity said, 1657290162

Only 50, nowhere near enough.

ClickMore πŸ“· said, 1657294758

indemnity remember that was over night.

indemnity said, 1657296928

ClickMore πŸ“· said

indemnity remember that was over night.

Apologies, thought that was a whole day's worth of FPI notices.

Devil's Advocate said, 1657371977

Orson Carter said

Nope. I knew I hadn't. 

As explained by a few folk on here, to get FPIs one must be part of the 'in' crowd (whatever that is), be friends with an Elf (or, even better, actually be an Elf), shoot to a formula, or have some other crafty trick up one's sleeve*.     

I don't do any of that stuff, so I knew it couldn't be me. 

[* Under the terms of Directive 476B, I'm obliged to point out that my comment about 'how to get an FPI' was tongue-in-cheek.]

What can I say?  Maybe it is just that  "some folk" have the audacity to suggest a different perception to the familiar/fawning one you like to promote! :)  They ought to be flogged!!!

But hey, let’s not forget, that as a former elf, you automatically qualify for personal support under the 1983 Mental Elf Act.

Some of your old colleagues, faced with allegations of nepotism after 500 FPI nominations were shared between just four members, have since enrolled on the β€œBreak Free” scheme. This is a Government sponsored initiative set up in 2017 specifically for β€œradicalised” elves who feel their personal response to images is inhibited by the lack of genre choice, and ultimately restricted by the pressure to conform collectively to the narrow parameters of the selection process.

Those who have completed the course have gone on to shape for themselves happier lives, free from the outrageously disproportionate fuss the FPI system seems to generate! ;)

Margo Jost said, 1657376165

Art Acumen God forbid that you disagree with certain people on here. You ought to be shot for having independent thought 😏

By the way, you do know don't you that daring to have an opinion on here makes you a mischief maker? πŸ˜„

Personally I think the FPI system works OK. The vast majority of shots chosen I think are well deserved and fit in with the narrative of the site. I also think there is something that's a little bit off in terms of selection sometimes but I can't quite pinpoint what. There have been some shots recently chosen as FPIs by people who themselves are elfs or have alot of friends who are elfs, where the lighting has been flat and I'm not sure that in my opinion that they were of FPI standard but that's only my opinion and others may have different ones. But they are relatively few in comparison to the ones that I think are fully deserved.

I do think there is probably a degree of bias in some areas from what I've seen as a member for the past 3 years but it really doesn't bother me so much and I don't really understand why people get so het up over it.

If there is bias then it's probably unconscious bias. I don't buy into the suggestion that there is a witches coven of elves all sat round a fire laughing at people that don't have FPIs and awarding them out to mates, I just think in a small community where some people are extremely active socially and alot are extremely good friends with each other then some bias will slip in eventually. It's only human nature and bias happens in every aspect of life.

Fpi conversations will go on and on and on for ever eternity but I really don't see what the big deal is. My FPis were great when I got them, no doubt but they really have zero impact on my life and actually I think my photography has gotten substantially better since I got 2 of them and I use that more of an indicator than what awards have been given to me or not.

Personal pride comes from within and seeking validation from others is a sure slippery slide down to inner turmoil πŸ™‚

Edited by Bou Bede

Adrian@No.7 said, 1657486506

Orson Carter said

Nope. I knew I hadn't. 

As explained by a few folk on here, to get FPIs one must be part of the 'in' crowd (whatever that is), be friends with an Elf (or, even better, actually be an Elf), shoot to a formula, or have some other crafty trick up one's sleeve*.     

I don't do any of that stuff, so I knew it couldn't be me. 

[* Under the terms of Directive 476B, I'm obliged to point out that my comment about 'how to get an FPI' was tongue-in-cheek.]

Or......................shoot lots of tits?